Annapolis, MD location- click here
Peak Custom Fitness Solutions
Alpharetta, GA location- click here
Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. Pilates emphasizes proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance. Pilates is named for its creator, Joseph Pilates, who developed the exercises in the 1920s.
A Pilates routine generally includes exercises that promote core strength and stability, muscle control, and endurance, including exercises that stress proper posture and movement patterns and balanced flexibility and strength. It can also be helpful in training for sports or in physical rehabilitation.
By practicing Pilates regularly, you can achieve a number of health benefits, including:
MY PILATES JOURNEY… In my late 20s, I had a very stressful pregnancy during full-time graduate physical therapy school while raising a 5 year old son and working. I had no time to exercise, eat well or even sleep and gained 70 pounds. I split my vertical abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) and had core and pelvic floor weakness and sciatica caused by bulging discs in my lower back. It took me 2 years to lose the weight and heal my back with self-care strategies.
Pilates helped me tremendously during this challenging time. I felt my abdominals getting stronger and my urinary incontinence was improving. I had some pain with exercises that put pressure on my tailbone, but learned how to modify them based on my physical therapy training.
In 2003, I decided to get certified in Pilates so I could teach my patients how to heal their own injuries. What was amazing to me were the immediate improvements they had– not only in their core abdominals, but their shoulder and hip joints gained more range of motion and stability, their neck and back pain was reducing significantly and they actually enjoyed doing the home programs I prescribed for them! This whole body movement method was missing in the traditional physical therapy setting. I was able to discharge people from physical therapy within just a few short weeks and knew they had effective exercise tools to use for the rest of their lives.
I started teaching small group Pilates Mat classes in a community gym and my love for Pilates continued to grow as I witnessed the value it brought to peoples’ lives, no matter what age or body shape they were!
In 2004, I opened my own Pilates Physical Therapy studio in Annapolis and have since worked with hundreds of people who found me through their pain management doctors, traditional physical therapists or friends and family members who had success with the training I shared with them. My youngest Pilates client was 10 years old and my most mature client is 90 years old!
Explore Pilates! We will work together to create the safest custom program for you and your special conditions…or “graduate you” into my Pilates Group Classes!
Everyone is welcome to attend. Excellent for post-rehab, sports and athletic training. This is a multiple levels class with building blocks, modifications and progressions to encourage safety, while still challenging you.
Additional Information: Requires internet connection, (free) Zoom account, and registration for classes to obtain Zoom link and password.
Classes are 60 minutes. Maximum 20 students per class.
Ask about Our Pilates Class Packs & Monthly Unlimited Subscription!
Annapolis, MD location- click here
Peak Custom Fitness Solutions
Alpharetta, GA location- click here
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